Dino-Lite Features

Learn more about our Dino-Lite microscopes features such as microscope magnification, software, working distance, and more!


Polarization can be switched on/off and adjusted to allow full or half polarization.

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Axial Illumination Light

AXI is designed to provide axial or brightfield illumination.

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Flexible LED Control

Provides lighting adjustment options including intensity settings from 1-6.

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Extended Depth of Field (EDOF)

Take several pictures at different levels of focus and stack them into a clear image automatically with 1 click of the mouse.

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Extended Dynamic Range (EDR)

the EDR can help to reveal the details of dark or bright areas by stacking images taken at different exposure levels.

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Auto Magninfication Reading (AMR)

The AMR unburdens the measurement tasks and
improves the accuracy of measurement.

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Micro Touch

The MicroTouch feature which is a touch sensitive area that you can use to capture images instead of using a keyboard and mouse.

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Interchangeable Caps

Different caps have been developed for better
adaptability for more

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Scroll Lock

Ensures the focus knob stay at the desired focus point or magnification position and avoids any unintentional movement

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Enhanced Flexible LED Control (eFLC)

Improving FLC capabilities, eFLC can adjust the light intensity on two assigned groups of LED quadrants, each with 32-level light intensity adjustment.

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